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VIX- Going towards 15 ?

VIX has more support in 18-15 range !! need to be careful in this range.

Still in continuation pattern

Market still in same pattern, nothing changed in pattern . if Spy broke up to 110.50, it will rally more. VIX lower to 21. Nothing more to say......

Astro Economics - Energy Chart

One who follow market energy chart, it showing market will GAP UP tomorrow and go sideways.. "DECISIONS MADE UP FRONT HAVE GREATEST IMPACT ON PRODUCTIVITY" "WATCH THE MARKET ACTION AND ACT UPON "

Consolidation Day or Days ?

Even though SPY was down 0.98 handle, it felt like 3-4 handle , Actually it down 2.62 handle from high to low. Technically it didn't broke anything, only a GAP filler, IF IF Market hold in this range tomorrow. VIX Up to 22.22 about 6.32 %. Means Psychologically people scared to death.. can be a sell off tomorrow ? If so there will be a sure technical break.

Euro probably run towards 1.52 level

Dollar has more down side to go. EUR/USD is 1.52. Now Euro is in 1.49 Significance : Dollar down / Market UP Sell Dollar and Long Equity

Market and VIX Both were down

VIX reached new low today to 20.91. Market was also down today. Probably profit taking.

GS- 175 or 200 - Which is first ?

Goldman is nice UP Trending since NOV -08. Now it is in lower band of channel. Did GS Break to 175 or going towards 200-220 level ? All depends upon how overall market is doing . If Spider is going towards 115-120 level and VIX is breaking down to 18-15 level, then for sure GS will reach 220 level.

Can we trust patterns ?

There is a price movement "N" pattern forming in spider, In this Target CD = 2*AB. If this pattern is valid, Spider target will b 120 !! AB = 9.14 Points BC= 6.2 Points ( actual should be, around half of AB ) CD= 2 * AB = 18.28 Points AB Range 98.96 -108.10 =9.14 BC Range 108.10- 101.90 =6.2 CD Range 101.90 +18.28 Points = 120.18 !!!! Can You Trust..?

GOLD- All Time High !!

Previously I posted this chart. Now Gold broke reverse H&S pattern in 5 year chart. I think Gold will run more than we expect. When analyze cycle chart of Gold , Gold used to pull back last week of October.

Earnings in this Week - Market Movers

50 % Retrace is only 24 Points away !!

50 % of retrace of SPX is 1121.44 is only 24 points away. It can be reached with in couple of days. Profit taking sell off can expect in this resistance.

Support is intact

Today re-test 1080 support in SPX. It holds and ready to go UP ? VIX lost 1.34 % . Have a great week end.

Trending Market

We are in Trending market. Is that Bull Market again ? Yes with 10 % unemployment !!! If this trend continues SPY can easily reach 115 by end of this month. VIX lost about 5 % today. It can easily reach in teens with in couple of weeks. (CAUTION). Ride the market with extra CAUTION. ( If you are not using : PPS indicator-daily will give you hint of reversal)

Market Review

Dow 10 K again !! :) There are good chance market can push towards 1121.44, eventually. In my trading system, in spider both hourly and daily chart is showing buy signal, which is generated in 105 level. While analysing VIX hourly is showing UP signal but daily still in down. VIX is in low level, can be pushed down to teens. Need to be CAUTIOUS

Market Review

Even though today was sideways and low volume day, Spider daily and hourly shows bullish. VIX is low 23 at support. If VIX didn't broke down towards low, it will be choppy in 108 level of resistance. Heavy earning days are coming, so we can expect anything. Watch price action.

Market Movers - Important Earnings Announcements to Watch

Market Movers - Important Earnings Announcements to Watch

Earnings Announcements for Tuesday, October 13 Company Symbol EPS Time Add to My Conference Estimate* Calendar Call CSX Corporation CSX 0.71 After Market Close Add Listen Domino's Inc. DPZ 0.15 Before Market Open Add Listen Intel Corporation INTC 0.27 After Market Close Add Listen Johnson & Johnson JNJ 1.13 Time Not Supplied Add Earnings Announcements for Wednesday, October 14 Company Symbol EPS Time Add to My Conference Estimate* Calendar Call Abbott ABT 0.9 Before Market Open Add Listen Hdfc Bank Limited HDB N/A Time Not Supplied Add JPMorgan Chase & Co. JPM 0.49 07:00 am ET Add Earnings Announcements for Thursday, October 15 Company Symbol EPS Time Add to My

Person's Cycle Studies - Repost

Spider- Next Week

Friday Spider closed at resistance and made double top. VIX is in very good support area as well. What is next ? Most probably we can see a small pull back to 103-102 level in spider and pushing UP towards 115-117 range

Knocking six times- Anybody HOME

Spider hit 6 times in 107 level to break the resistance. Can spider break this time ?

GS- Option Activity

GS has lot of Activity for October. Probably due to earning report on 14 th .. I see more on call side today..

VIX- Going to 20 s ?

After double top VIX last week , Is VIX heading towards 20 s to make new low for the year ? Let us see. As trader we have to be careful when VIX hit 22 and down.

Possibility ?

If we get good earnings report this Quarter, there are some possibility push this market Up and all fund managers show their muscle power.

Goldman Sachs

There are more open interest in GS OCT 170,165 and 160 Puts, so when I look at the option pain for GS it is 170. Make sense. Beware there will be a price manipulation in GS during couple of days.

Bullish School of Thinking

As chart is showing, we are in a Bullish channel from March 9 Th. Always testing lower channel and going UP. In this time as well, If market is going UP tomorrow, this trend will continue until 1150 The Other chance is push back to 1039, (because we had huge run in last two days) and going up to 1150 When going down, if Market broke down to 1020, then we will be changing the trend. We are going in to the earning season from tomorrow.. Wait and see. "Decisions made up front have greatest impact on productivity. Only Trade what you see"


VIX closed just above the support, there are good chance to VIX can go UP couple of days.

Market Review

Today rallied and sold off and came back 75 % of the high. Market closed on diagonal trend line. Due to diagonal resistance there are good chance, market will sold off tomorrow. If S&P manage to break UP this trend line, that will be good entry for bullish trade.

News This Week

VIX- Double Top

VIX is double top in this week. There are good amount of chance that VIX will drop to 24 range.

S&P 500 Technicals

Thursday main support broke in S&P500 and went down Friday, Probably there are good chance to retest 1040 level of S&P 500 and come down. If 1040 level resist the movement upwards, we can see some good down days like Thursday, Support I see, as 979. And that will become good H&S pattern for S&P 500.

Halloween Month

Economic News rest of the week

Long Term DOW Analysis

When I am doing my weekly analysis, I came across long term DOW, It seems to be interesting. Every Long Bull market there are a 15-20 years of sideways period. If market went away from the trend line eventually market will adjust by itself to catch up by trend line. Now Trend line is 4103 for Dow or we have to go through 10 more years sideways to catch up the trend line. What will happen ? Wait and see...

Chart Speaks by itself

I want to bring this chart when spider hit on support..

Bears in Pared

Anybody is seeing an Ascending Triangle ?

An ascending triangle is forming in DIA and SPY FYI : All formation is valid until it broke UP