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Showing posts from February, 2011

Future Possibility

Following chart could be a future look like, by analyzing the price movement of the spider.

A healthy correction is due in the Market !!

Expect a healthy correction in the market. VIX is in support. Healthy correction must be a multiple weeks event ( not one day event like Jan 28 TH) and must be 10-15 % correction. If you watch Astro-traders; Bradley turn date and and a Full moon day is coming on Feb 17 TH and 18 TH. NOTE: ALL BEAR HORMONES WILL ACTIVATE ON FULL MOON DAY !! :) CAUTION : ----------- Protect all your portfolio. Good time to buy puts when VIX is low as 15 and below, If market is not correcting make that in to Bull Put spread. Reminder: ---------- 1. A Market turn date is approaching in Feb 17 TH. 2. Full Moon is on Feb 18 TH 3. Market is not corrected since Sep 2010