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SPX Going in Ascending Triangle

Spider is ascending triangle.. H&S didn't broke the shoulder line and retrace back up to resistance level right now. New range will be 960 -900

VIX is going to New Ranges

VIX is breaking down to new lower ranges..

Going for New Upper Ranges ?

946 -900 will be the new range for SPX. William % R is breaking UP and going to -20 level.

Long and Short term Ranges

Here is the daily and hourly chart ranges.. In daily William % R is lowering and Right shoulder of the H&S Pattern fomation is also lowering. If market hold the re test in 900-903 range, that will be another entry point for long puts. VIX is also in 25 range and upper band is also expanding in VIX, is a conformation that market will go down.

848 - New Range ?

If William % R is going down to -90/-100 level next short term support will be 848.. Otherwise going to 900 level ?

Possible Reverse H&S Forming in VIX

I am not used to watch tech. indicators in VIX.. even though when I saw this reverse H&S in VIX I would like to post.. My assumption in VIX, will hit 50 s.. by September.. New range of VIX will be 20- 50..

Going to New Range .. ?

I think there are good chance to retrace back to 886 level break down to 869. William % R is now in -88 level and can go to -80 level and go back to -90/-100 level (lower level) I am working from India right now .. US Market time in India is 7 PM to 1.30 AM IST ( Indian Standard Time)

H&S Neck line Broke.. Finally

At last S&P 500 H&S Neck line broke down.. This is another good entry point for short..

VIX is heading to 33

VIX is heading to 33 to Upper band

Pegged Bottom Range

Monthly bottom Range nailed today.. If william % R is going down and break -80 level, market will create new lows in daily.


The reversal day (to down) of POT is July 8 TH to July 17 th. Current range in POT is 95.57- 89.37

Nailing the H&S in SPX

Nailing right shoulder in SPX today.. Wait for break down of neck line to enter in to the short.. if you didn't enter already yesterday I will be working from India next month.. Have a great long weekend.

Nothing special

Today was usual choppy day.. touched the upper band and sold off.. probably will go to lower band tomorrow..

What is the Range right now

Market still building the right shoulder.. The chopping range right now is 930-896 Watch this range, if any of this range broken, then market sentiments will change. else we will chop in this range

Need an extra home as an asset ? Trade ETF

MacroShares Major Metro Housing 3X ETF’s To Begin Trading Today (UMM, DMM) Today marks the first time investors will be able to purchase exchange traded products linked to U.S. Housing. MacroMarkets says it is planning for shares of the MacroShares Major Metro Up (UMM) and the MacroShares Major Metro Down (DMM) to start trading today on the New York Stock Exchange. MacroShares Major Metro Housing allow investors to express a bullish or bearish view on the movement of the S&P/Case-Shiller Composite-10 Home Price Index. The underlying value (UV) of UMM tracks the percentage change of the index with three times leverage. The market price of UMM reflects other factors, including consensus expectations of the cumulative return of S&P/Case-Shiller Composite-10 Home Price Index, plus potential quarterly net income distributions, over the remaining term of the security. The UV of DMM tracks the percentage change of the index in an inverse manner with three times leverage. The market pr


R V There Yet ?

Yes , Market is slowly building the right shoulder. As long as market didn't break UP 929, it is intact with anticipation.

H&S Still Valid

If market is going UP 929 will good resistance. If 929 is not breaking UP that will be good entry for shorts at least until 888.. If that breaks H&S will be valid stay on your shorts !! else Ka-Ching..

No Fear in the Market .. Better you FEAR

VIX touched 26.39, a major support for VIX for long time; as well as broke the lower bollinger band. Could VIX go down again.. ? historically if VIX touch like this, then there are more chances to bounce back. Good examples - 5/20, 6/11

Spider Double TOP in Hourly

Beware !! Spider Double top on Hourly chart..

Stimulus Package

It is the month of August, on the shores of the black Sea. It is raining, and the little town looks totally deserted. It is tough times, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit. Suddenly, a rich tourist comes to town. He enters the only hotel, lays a 100 Euro note on the reception counter, and goes to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one. The hotel proprietor takes the 100 Euro note and runs to pay his debt to the butcher. The Butcher takes the 100 Euro note, and runs to pay his debt to the pig grower. The pig grower takes the 100 Euro note, and runs to pay his debt to the supplier of his feed and fuel. The supplier of feed and fuel takes the 100 Euro note and runs to pay his debt to the town's prostitute that in these hard times, gave her 'services' on credit. The hooker runs to the hotel, and pays off her debt with the 100 Euro note to the hotel proprietor to pay for the rooms that she rented when she brought her clients there. The hotel proprietor

Long Term Support/Resistance of S&P 500

Resistance 957.89 - 5 times hit in 97, 3 times hit in 2000-2003,2 times hit in 2009 (almost) Supports 882.47 - 1997 - 1 Time, 2000-2003 - 4 Times, 2009- 2 Times 666.56 1997 - 5 Times , 2009 - 1 Time 474.98 - 1994 - 4 Times

Interesting Day

Today open up and touched the Upper band of Darvas Box reverse back. When you look at the William % R , it retraced 50 %. Good sign for BEARS

Neutral day

Today kind of breathing day . After yesterday's Push down, Bears need to breath. There are no Bulls left out to Push this market up. Probably Bulls were waiting to touch 878 region to get back in. Anyway William % R touched the lower band, that is significant bear signal.

Forming a H&S Pattern in Spider ?

After today's move when you look at it spider is forming a Head & Shoulder pattern.

Will it be "W" shaped recovery

Hopefully we will retest last low and recover from there, will make W shaped recovery. If that is true we can see 1000 on S&P, before end of this year. June- Oct will be low volume to down kind of movement is expecting.

Back to Basics .. 3 Arrows

When we over analyze things, we shouldn't forget our basics ..

Clear break to down !

Today's close become clear that we are going to bearish mode. Acceleration mid band broke to down and Williams % R towards down . (cross the mid point)

Some CBOE Products

BXM - CBOE S&P 500 BuyWrite Index - Covered Call Index RUH - CBOE S&P 500 Three-Month Realized Volatility Index CLL - CBOE S&P 500 95-110 Collar Index BXY - CBOE S&P 500 2% OTM BuyWrite Index BXN - CBOE NASDAQ-100 BuyWrite Index BXD - CBOE DJIA BuyWrite Index BXR - CBOE Russell 2000 BuyWrite Index PUT - CBOE S&P 500 PutWrite Index VIX - CBOE Volatility Index VXD - CBOE DJIA Volatility Index RVX - CBOE Russell 2000 Volatility Index VXO - CBOE S&P 100 Volatility Index VXN - CBOE NASDAQ Volatility Index VXV - CBOE S&P 500 3-Month Volatility Index OVX - CBOE Crude Oil Volatility Index GVZ - CBOE Gold Volatility Index EVZ - CBOE EuroCurrency Volatility Index VPD - CBOE VIX Premium Strategy Index VPN - CBOE Capped VIX Premium Strategy Index CYX - CBOE China Index

Some interesting Possibilities

Spider : Yellow and Green Mirrors lead two possibities GS FAZ POT

VIX Callers .. Salute to you

I posted on May 29 th there are huge call volume in VIX for June. BIG BOYS are interested 37 VIX before June 19 TH.

Market turning ?

Market is turning. In my indicator screen even though closing bar didn't broke down, when we look at the Williams % R it is going down. In VIX chart, vix going UP towards upper bollinger band. now you can see bollinger band will expand very fast in coming days because of the expiration.

Mirror Chart

The theory behind the mirror chart is "History can repeat itself". so pick some time frame and repeat and chart that same time frame. there is no guarantee that it will repeat. I used to watch what happened when we made a new low and I am thinking market always retest that low or near that low in future. If so I need to know approximate timing of that. How I will do that. go to the last time when we were in this point and do a same pattern. Nothing is guarantee.. when we read this all with overbought/oversold indicators and support and resistance, it will make sense. "DECISIONS MADE UP FRONT HAVE THE GREATEST IMPACT ON PRODUCTIVITY" "TAKE THE TIME TO MAKE THE BEST ONES"

Mirror Chart

I want to post this mirror chart, which I created second week of March..

Is this the turning point ?

I was watching two indicators for market turn. Spider must break and stay 920 level and VIX must up above the 29-30 level. Today both satisfied. tomorrow as well we see some sell off like this, we can confirm that market range broke and trade in lower range. Otherwise market will turn up and hit on 958 level. "It is Swing Traders market".

Reversal Process Started ?

Apart from normal bullish day, today market sold towards close. Is that new bearish sentiment ? I think market is in a tight range bound right now. 956-929 is the range. That is what we saw today. As soon as market touched 956.26 market sold off. When we look at the VIX chart today VIX broke the lower Bolli. band. What we should look at , VIX must be up more than 31 (mid of Boll. Band) and market must break lower than 929, then only our direct puts will work; else spread is the best strategy.

Market don't want to sell off

Bulls trying to hold off the market, even market open 13 points up and sold off about 12 points and closed to 3 points down. wide swing today..

Diverging indicators

All indicators are diverging with market. Market seems to be slowing down.

Nobel Laureate Krugman Says Recession May End ‘This Summer’

The U.S. economy probably will emerge from the recession by September, Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman said. "Krugman said that he would not be surprised if the U.S. recession, which began in December 2007, ended in August or September this year. But job losses were likely to continue into 2011, meaning "the period of a depressed economy" could last until 2013 or 2014, he said. " Is this possible ???? check out the chart..

A Doji Day

Market try to Pull down and in last hour mass buy order came and market rip UP and closed to 939.13. If we want to see a down movement, market have to close 929 level. "Trade what you see"